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Site du Collège les Eyquems, à Mérignac (33)

ERASMUS : Mobilités en Lettonie (Riga) (avec PHOTOS)
Article mis en ligne le 31 mars 2019
dernière modification le 5 avril 2019

par S. Maillard
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by Enzo :

Thursday , It was a busy day, the weather was sunny and windy. In the morning we went to the Latvia national Library, It’s a huge and modern building. We visited the library and played games with staff. After we had lunch at the library’s cafeteria. In the afternoon we participated a treasure hunt games in the library and in the center of Riga. Then, we had have free time with our French teachers and we walked in the « art nouveau » district.

A. Dauph’s Slidely by Slidely Slideshow


by Lucie :

To begin, In the morning, we worked by teams and did a "robots party" until 12h20. Then we went to have lunch. In the afternoon, we continued doing the same workshop. Then we took the bus to visit the "SFA technika". It’s a big company. We discovered machines to manufacture transmission engines. We attended and saw a presentation of the company. Finally, we went to the Motor museum.

A. Dauph’s Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Monday and Tuesday

by Hugo :

First of all I woke up at 6 a.m. to go to school. Then the all teams introduced themselves and talked about Erasmus project. Thirdly we did a « school quest » and some ice breaking games. After we had lunch at the cafeteria and we did a robot party by mix team.

In the afternoon we went to the opera...

by Nathan :

Today morning it was sunny and cold and we don’t have visited any cultural building.
In Riga’s school there was a presentation of students and teachers of all countries. Then we organised activities such as theasure hunt we used mblock program by mix teams. At the and of the day we went to the opera.

Slidely Slideshow

At the end of monday we went to the opera.

To summarize that was a great day ! And we had fun.

Slidely Slideshow

Tuesday : Guided Tour in Transport and Telecommunication Institute...

Slidely Slideshow


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